Thursday, September 01, 2005

Jobber med Burqa nu, en digtsamling folk vil vide er skrevet af svenske Hanna Hallgren. Lidt af en udfordring. Et stykke inde i Haraway-teksten som Hallgren nævner i sine afsluttende noter (og afsted går det ud af et sidespor) sagde det pling i mit hoved. Husker hvordan det var at finde frem til og læse Cyborg Manifesto i Bø - Faen, Haraway skriver for vildt. Noget hun vist også selv lidt ironisk noterer sig:

Like all neuroses, mine is rooted in the problem of metaphor, that is, the problem of the relation of bodies and language. For example, the force field imagery of moves in the fully textualized and coded world is the matrix for many arguments about socially negotiated reality for the postmodern subject. This world-as-code is, just for starters, a high-tech military field, a kind of automated academic battlefield, where blips of light called layers disintegrate (what a metaphor!) each other in order to stay in the knowledge and power game. Technoscience and science fiction collapse into the sun of their radiant (ir)reality – war. It shouldn't take decades of feminist theory to sense the enemy here.