Monday, November 23, 2020

Hello there, Kyra Simone and Matvei Yankelevich from Ugly Duckling Presse (UDP) over there in Brooklyn, New York. We are gonna try and do a written text instead of the stage interview that was planned in Lillehammer in late May. I hope you are all well under these strange and unexpected circumstances. Maybe you could start by introducing yourselves and your relations to Ugly Duckling Presse? We should be sitting on a small outdoors stage together with Karen Grønneberg from the artist book distributor Nordic Art Press (NAP), but she was not able to join in this new format so we're gonna delve a bit into the history of Ugly Duckling Presse. 

Read conversation with Kyra Simone and Matvei Yankelevich from Ugly Duckling Presse originally published as part of the online event Bastard Art Book Fair May 29 to 31, 2020